Friday, February 19, 2016

A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: What Excites You Most?

I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD. Psalms 122:1

In life, individual differences cannot be overlooked. What excite Mr 'A' might not be what excite Mr 'B' vise versa. While some are excited going for party, others might simply be excited whenever they are going for clubbing. Stick of cigarette excite some, while a bottle of beer excite others, some are excited whenever they are with the opposite sex. Doing evil everyday excite some people while some are most excited whenever they sow a seed of disuniting among a united family. As a child of God, the above mentioned shouldn't excite you at all.

In the above Scripture, David said, all the above mentioned never excited me but, one thing that usually excited me is when someone said to me let us go into the house of the LORD. David knew that, In His presence is fullness of joy; and at His right hand there are pleasure for evermore. Ps. 16:11. David doesn't play with God's presence, no wonder God called him 'A man after my heart'. Beloved, what are the things that excites you most? If you call yourself a child of God and you struggle to attend Church services, prayers, vigils, programs and other genuine religious activities, your confession is questionable. Those programs should excite you because in the presence of God, there are unlimited blessings and protection.

* Whatever excite you most imprison your heart and control your life. Be like David