Teachers in Ghana have threatened strick action over unpaid arrears
Teachers across the country have served notice they will withdraw their services by February ending if outstanding allowances due them remain unpaid.
In a letter addressed to the National Labour Commission, the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) and Coalition of Concern Teachers (CCT) accused the Commission of flouting various deadlines agreed on for the payment of their allowances.
Concerns raised by the Association are as follows:
1. The non-payment of salary arrears to 2013 and 2014 batches of newly recruited teachers, teachers on promotion and others who were on re-instated or reengaged. A working group under the auspices of the Chief Director of the Ministry of Finance was constituted to draw a roadmap for the resolution of all outstanding issues. By the roadmap agreed by the parties, the said salary arrears were scheduled to be paid on or before 30th June, 2015. We wish to state that the deadline has elapsed and the salary arrears remain outstanding.
2. On the payment of vehicle maintenance allowance to deserving teachers, the parties agreed that allowances for 2013, 2014 and some months in 2015 were in arrears and they should be paid. When the teacher unions resolved to embark on and industrial action in October 2015 to press home their demand for early resolution of the same grievance, a new deadline of 31st December, 2015 was set. That was also flouted.
3. We also wish to remind you of outstanding transfer grants and travel and transport allowances for some teachers dating as far as 2012. Again, this legitimate claim which the parties agreed to honour has been engaged upon.
The Association by these concerns said government (employer) has breached the agreements and stated that all three teacher unions shall be ‘compelled’ to withdraw their services if their concerns are not resolved by February 29th, 2016.
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