Tuesday, May 17, 2016


MAY 17


If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless. James 1:26

Most of the world's problems could be solved if all of us gained mastery over our tongues. Can you imagine our world without insults, angry words, backbiting, profanity, lying or complaining? What a beautiful place our world would be if we could put away scornful jokes, bitter criticism and hate speeches!
    We can decide to be part of such a beautiful world if we ask ourselves these questions before we speak or spread information about others
    Is it true? The first thing to consider regarding the words that come out of our mouths is whether what we want to say is the truth. Have you checked and cross-checked to be sure that what you are saying is true? Sometimes we spread falsehood about people because we are to verify our facts.
    Is it kind? Would you be happy if the same things you say about other people are said about you? Kindness simply means we have to consider the feelings of other people when we deal with them. Remember that people have feelings and that  can be hurt by words
    Does it glorify Christ? At the end of the day must bring glory to the lord. Our words reveal the condition of our innermost being. If we are Chrisr-like, we will use words that are noble, honorable and decent

Prayer: O Lord, teach me to say words that build up others and bring glory to your name

Scriptural Reading: James 1:21-27