Saturday, July 2, 2016


          *MESSAGE 2016*

       SATURDAY 2 JULY 2016


              MATTHEW 26:41
_Keep watch and pray that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak_.” *GNB*

Jesus Christ before His crucifixion encouraged His disciples to keep watch and pray so that they do not fall into temptation. This means that when fail to keep watch and pray we can be tempted in any way. I want you you to know and understand that, all believers or children of God are special object of Satan's enmity and evil purpose.

For this reason Jesus' was so much concerned about the disciples because they may fall into Satan's schemes. He was realised that the tools to keep them away from Satan's schemes is to *_Keep watch_* and *_pray_*. Beloved, I don't want you to be ignorance about this that, the devil is roaring like a lion wanting to put someone into temptation. So for this reason we must not forget to pray for deliverance from his power and schemes.

              *PRAYER POINT*
Lord Jesus, I thank you so much for your life in me. I pray you that give me the Wisdom, strength and power to keep watch and pray so that I can overcome the schemes of Satan. Amen!

             *FURTHER STUDY*
                   Matthew 26
             *GOD BLESS YOU*

            Gifty Shanon Budu

*_Life Question: Do you keep watch and pray_*?