Wednesday, July 20, 2016




Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. *Psalm 37:7*

*H*ave you ever noticed how children will ask a question but then rush out of the door before you can respond? We act the same way toward God when we don't wait on Him. There are several things we need to develop a lifestyle of waiting on the Lord.
   First, we need faith. We must be willing to trust God when a solution isn't obvious and we can't see a way through our struggles. Meditating on and applying Scripture to life's trials will result in strengthened faith.
   Second, we need humility to develop a lifestlye of waiting on God. We must recognize that we can accomplish nothing apart from Jesus. Then, we will be able to endure until God reveals His answer. God's ways are always perfect, and our cleverest plan will not be as adequate.
   Third, we need patience in order to wait on God. Waiting is characterized by a calm demeanour and inner peace, which both come from believing that God is who He says He is and He'll fulfil His promises. With the Spirit's help, we'll face stressful circumstances without complaining, and we'll accept life's challenges without complaining, and we'll accept life's challenges without trying to manipulate our way out.
   Fourth, we need courage to wait on God. It's human nature to want to be in control. We yearn to know the outcome and timeline of every difficult situation. We need courage to resist following our own schedule and the ability to refuse to cave in to pressure from others.
   With the Holy Spirit's help, we can hold steady when others disapprove of our decision to wait on God. Wisdom and godly action come through seeking God and His will. Quiet your heart and mind and listen to Him.

_*Prayer:* Lord, my soul waits patiently for You and rests in Your goodness._

*Scriptural Reading:* Psalm 37:1-8