Thursday, February 18, 2016

Factions in Sefwi chieftaincy dispute smoke peace pipe

Peace has returned to Sefwi Wiawso in the Western Region after feuding factions in a chieftaincy dispute took a giant step in resolving their differences.

Some members of the Gyeduasa Royal Family, custodian of the Sefwi-Wiawso stool, had been opposed to the enstoolment of Nana Yeboah Kanzah the third as Sefwi- Wiowsohene.

After six months of litigation the opposing faction beat a retreat on because, according to them, they had been misinformed by their leaders.

The peace process was climaxed with a family durbar of representatives from eight communities which met at Kama to resolve to put the past behind them on Januray 29, 2016.

They include Kama, Boodi, Mafia, Kafukaa, Sefwi-Bekwai, Adjuafua, Asawinso and Sankore.

Nana Yeboah Kanzah says the peaceful resolution of the dispute sets the stage for mobilizing his people for development.

“I couldn’t go for sittings on Thursdays, I had to go to the palace with my people and then I couldn’t think of development because development will come about when united”, he said.

He says education will be at the heart of development initiatives in the area, beginning with a scholarship scheme.

“Since I am a teacher by profession I seek to take education serious, even to institute some sort of scholarship in the basic student where we can help the needy but clever”. Nana Yeboah Kanzah added.