August 17, 2016
You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men. 2 Corinthians 3:2
Have you ever gone on a job interview? Some of the things your prospective employer wants to see are references and letters of recommendation. There are few things in this life that speak more strongly for you than when someone is willing to put their reputation on the line for you. Reference letters from people of repute gives weight to your résumé.
People tend to accept a new idea or way of doing things when it is backed up by success stories. As the early church spread with the good news of Christ, the story of changed lives flowed with the message. As Christianity grew, its greatest strength was in the living especially of those who had been converted to the Lord and lived lives of purity and holiness. Those people became the recommendation letters for the early Apostles and missionaries. The reputation of the church, the changes in the people, the things they willingly gave up, the lengths to which they were willing to hold to this Jesus went ahead of those first missionaries and opened the doors of ministry.
As a child of God your conduct becomes a letter of recommendation for Christ. You are the letter that the world reads to determine whether the claims of Jesus are true or not. In you they seek to see the evidence of Christ. They judge the Lord and His church by your daily conduct.
With the letter of recommendation, in the form of the reputation of the first century church, doors opened wide to the message of salvation. Be a letter for the Lord to your family, friends, neighborhood and working colleagues.
Prayer: Lord, may my life be a living testimony of your love and power.
Scriptural Reading: 2 Corinthians 3:1-6
August 17, 2016
You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men. 2 Corinthians 3:2
Have you ever gone on a job interview? Some of the things your prospective employer wants to see are references and letters of recommendation. There are few things in this life that speak more strongly for you than when someone is willing to put their reputation on the line for you. Reference letters from people of repute gives weight to your résumé.
People tend to accept a new idea or way of doing things when it is backed up by success stories. As the early church spread with the good news of Christ, the story of changed lives flowed with the message. As Christianity grew, its greatest strength was in the living especially of those who had been converted to the Lord and lived lives of purity and holiness. Those people became the recommendation letters for the early Apostles and missionaries. The reputation of the church, the changes in the people, the things they willingly gave up, the lengths to which they were willing to hold to this Jesus went ahead of those first missionaries and opened the doors of ministry.
As a child of God your conduct becomes a letter of recommendation for Christ. You are the letter that the world reads to determine whether the claims of Jesus are true or not. In you they seek to see the evidence of Christ. They judge the Lord and His church by your daily conduct.
With the letter of recommendation, in the form of the reputation of the first century church, doors opened wide to the message of salvation. Be a letter for the Lord to your family, friends, neighborhood and working colleagues.
Prayer: Lord, may my life be a living testimony of your love and power.
Scriptural Reading: 2 Corinthians 3:1-6
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