August 18, 2016
Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12
Have you ever talked to someone at a party or gathering whose eyes, even as you speak, are roving across the room, looking for someone more interesting to talk to? Frustrating, isn't it!
When we talk to people we don't just want to feel tolerated, or even casually listened to. We want to feel that the person we are speaking to is genuinely interested in what we are saying and finds us interesting.
The good news is that when we pray, God doesn't sit up there with a bored expression, waiting for us to finish with what we are saying. Any time we come to the Lord in prayer, He actively, intensely and attentively focuses on what we say, what we sing, what we think and what we feel. God really hears us! And it doesn't stop there. Not only does He respond to what we have to say, both in His words and His deeds, we actually influence the actions of our Almighty God!
Think about this. The God who created the heavens and the earth, who determines the course of the planets, who originates and sustains the laws that keep the universe - this same God listens to the prayers of one man, and alters His actions accordingly.
That is the privilege we have in prayer. We come to God and pour out our hearts to Him and know that He hears us. Our prayers and petition help to shape the destiny of the church and the world. Why don't you talk to Him today about the things that are on your heart?
Psalm: I ask, Lord, that you reach out and touch my life with your love and power.
Scriptural Reading: Jeremiah 29:12-13
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